Hearing Loss

The Neuroscience Behind Hearing Loss — Understanding its Relation to Dementia, Tinnitus and Cognitive Decline

According to Alzheimer’s Disease International, dementia rates are expected to triple in the next 30 years. Medical communities worldwide, including ours in New Jersey, are seeking effective preventative measures. Here at Hearing Doctors of New Jersey, we believe that understanding the neuroscience behind hearing loss and its relation to cognitive decline is paramount. 

The Link Between Hearing Loss and Cognitive Decline

Did you know that difficulty in hearing can increase the risk of cognitive decline? Even mild hearing loss poses significant challenges. Our brain is a complex system that is built to interpret and respond to the plethora of sounds around us. Due to this complexity, untreated hearing loss can lead to behavioral and structural changes in our brain, which, over time, can contribute to cognitive decline and increase your risk for dementia

Consequently, early detection and treatment of hearing loss isn’t just about helping you hear better now – it’s about safeguarding your mental and cognitive health for years to come.

Tinnitus is More Than Just Ringing in Your Ears

Tinnitus, often described as ringing or buzzing in the ears, is more than just an annoying sensation. It’s a symptom of neurodegenerative disease that significantly increases the risk of cognitive decline. While the discomfort of tinnitus might be the immediate concern, the lasting effects on your brain should not be ignored either. Our team at Hearing Doctors of New Jersey can help you find the root cause of your tinnitus so it can be treated.

Staying Ahead of the Curve

Fortunately, through the treatment of hearing loss and tinnitus, the risk of dementia can be effectively mitigated. Not only do these treatments offer the chance to enjoy all the sounds that life has to offer, but they also ensure you can stay ahead of the curve when it comes to having a sharper, healthier mind in the future.

Trust in Hearing Doctors of New Jersey

At Hearing Doctors of New Jersey, we emphasize the crucial role that your hearing plays not just in communication but in overall cognitive function as well. We offer comprehensive hearing evaluations, personalized treatment plans, and ongoing monitoring to ensure optimal results. Our goal is to offer residents of New Jersey the best care possible so that they can spend less time worrying about their health and more time enjoying what our beautiful state has to offer.

Schedule A Consultation Today

If you’re experiencing hearing problems or simply want a hearing check-up, we’re here for you. Early intervention is key. Take the first step and schedule a consultation today by calling our Livingston, NJ office at 973-874-2790 or using our online contact form

We look forward to helping you on your hearing journey! 

Hearing Challenges

Caring for Children with Hearing Loss: A Comprehensive Guide by Hearing Doctors of New Jersey

Caring for Children with Hearing Loss

At Hearing Doctors of New Jersey, we pride ourselves on being a resource of hearing health information. One topic we’ve often revisited is pediatric audiology, more specifically, the care for children with hearing loss. This discussion matters, considering the significant role that hearing plays in a child’s development and daily living. Learn more on how to care for children with hearing loss.

Recognizing the Signs of Pediatric Hearing Loss

Hearing loss in children isn’t always easy to identify since they may not communicate their difficulties effectively. As a parent, it’s essential to stay vigilant and recognize potential signs. These can include:

  • Lack of response to loud noises
  • Delayed language development
  • Frequent speech misunderstandings
  • Difficulty following instructions
  • Behavioral changes related to frustration or isolation

If you observe any of these issues, you should contact a Doctor of Audiology. 

The Importance of Early Intervention

Early intervention is critical in managing pediatric hearing loss. It can help minimize the potential language, social, and cognitive issues that hearing loss can cause. There is a substantial improvement in language skills among children who received intervention before six months of age.

The sooner the intervention starts, the better we can control its impact on the child’s daily life—from interacting with peers to hearing instructions in school. Remember: time is of the essence!

How Hearing Doctors of New Jersey Can Help

At Hearing Doctors of New Jersey, we emphasize early intervention. Our pediatric hearing assessment has helped many families guide their children toward improved hearing health. Our team of skilled audiologists, led by Dr. Nesson, devote their efforts to providing personalized, effective solutions for your child’s unique needs.

Schedule an Appointment

Caring for a child with hearing loss might be unfamiliar territory for you but remember that help is always available. Timely recognition and early intervention can significantly improve your child’s quality of life. If you’re in New Jersey and suspect your child may have hearing loss, don’t wait. Contact Hearing Doctors of New Jersey by filling out our online contact form or calling us at (973) 577-4100 today.

Let our experienced professionals conduct a comprehensive hearing assessment and develop a possible intervention strategy. It’s about giving your child the opportunity to hear, learn, and grow to their full potential. You’re not alone in this; we’re here to help!

Hearing Loss

Early Signs of Hearing Issues: What You Need to Know

Our sense of hearing is one of our key windows to the world – it helps us converse with loved ones, appreciate music, and stay alert to potential dangers. That’s why it’s paramount to not ignore early signs of hearing issues.

If you live in or around the Livingston, NJ area, our team at Hearing Doctors of New Jersey is here to help you through each step of your hearing journey. But how do you know if you’re exhibiting early signs of hearing loss? Let’s take a look at some of the signs to look out for.

Early Warning Signs of Hearing Problems

Hearing problems can manifest in various subtle ways that you might not always associate with hearing loss. Being knowledgeable about these early signs can directly impact your journey towards hearing health.

Difficulty Understanding Speech

If you frequently find yourself asking people to repeat what they said or feel like everyone around you is mumbling, could indicate a hearing problem. It can also cause many people to avoid social events because they are worried about not being able to hear what’s going on around them and being left out. With proper hearing treatment, we can ensure you’re never left out of any conversation with family and friends.


This condition, characterized by a constant ringing, hissing, or buzzing noise in one or both ears, often accompanies hearing loss. More often than not, the two go hand in hand. That said, tinnitus isn’t always connected to hearing loss and can sometimes be a temporary issue.

Turning the Volume Up

Are you finding it necessary to turn up the volume on your TV, radio, or other devices to a level that is much louder than normal? If the answer is yes, this might imply a hearing loss problem.

Importance of Seeking Professional Help

The sooner you seek help for suspected hearing loss, the better your prospects are for effective treatment. Early detection and treatment can also help reduce other health risks like depression, falls, and dementia that are linked to untreated hearing loss.

Schedule A Consultation Today!

If you’ve noticed any of the signs of hearing loss we discussed above, our team at Hearing Doctors of New Jersey  will help you find the right hearing treatment for you and your specific needs. We provide personalized comprehensive hearing assessments designed to understand the cause of your hearing loss and then customize the right treatment option for you.

Take the first step to no longer saying “what?” and schedule a consultation today. Call our Livingston, NJ office at (973) 577-4100 or fill out our online contact form.

Hearing Challenges

How Do I Choose A Qualified Specialist For My Hearing Loss Treatment?

How to choose a qualified hearing specialist is a question we get all the time at Hearing Doctors of New Jersey. Before choosing an audiologist, there are a few questions you’ll want to ask and information you’ll want to know to ensure you are getting the best treatment possible. Having the following information under your belt can help you understand why you need to choose a specialist and how to choose one you trust with your hearing loss treatment.

What To Know Before Choosing A Hearing Specialist

To ensure you get the best treatment and feel as comfortable as possible when going to your appointments, there are a few things you’ll want to know before choosing a hearing specialist.


Hearing healthcare consists of both audiologists and hearing instrument specialists. Both work toward the same goal of helping people to hear better, but they are two completely different roles. An audiologist is clinically trained and goes through four years of school so they can provide accurate and thorough diagnostic evaluations and build comprehensive treatment programs. Hearing instrument specialists, on the other hand, are trained professionals who are only allowed to sell and dispense hearing aids. A specialist will ensure you get the most comprehensive treatment.

Medical Or Sales Office

When looking for a hearing specialist, make sure they are working out of a medical office and not just a sales office. With a sales office, you will not get a full diagnosis, and they may be more interested in selling you a hearing device rather than addressing your hearing loss.

When researching hearing specialists, ask about credentials and medical affiliations to ensure they have the experience and expertise necessary to help you.

If you find a hearing care provider with great credentials and a comfortable medical office, you’ve likely found someone who understands the importance of treating your hearing and your overall health.

Brain First

While many people may think hearing and hearing loss are only about the ears, that isn’t completely true. Hearing is also connected to your brain function as well. The neuroscience behind modern treatments is focused on the brain, cognition, and the comorbidities (having two or more medical conditions) that can occur with untreated hearing loss.

If you go to a specialist and they focus on hearing only, you likely won’t end up with the right solution for you. You want a specialist that looks at your hearing and your brain and comes up with a treatment plan that restores clarity, provides filters for noisy backgrounds, and has a soft-speech enhancer. With these features, your brain doesn’t have to work as hard to hear and understand the sounds around you.

Free Offers or Guarantees?

Have you ever seen a doctor who offers a free hip replacement? Probably not. If they did, most people would not consider them trustworthy. So why do some hearing healthcare offices offer “free consultations” to get people in the door? If a hearing specialist is offering a free consultation or a big discount, they are likely trying to sell you something versus wanting to address your health.

If they offer guarantees, make sure you ask exactly what those guarantees are and what will happen if you are not satisfied with your results or the hearing treatment plan you receive.

Latest Technology

Audiology is always innovating. The hearing aids of today are significantly more advanced than what you might have seen in the past. Computer-designed devices and wireless technologies dramatically increase the precision of the hearing aid and the clarity of the results. They also are much more discreet than they used to be.

Before you go with a hearing specialist, make sure they offer the latest hearing technology. If they don’t, you may want to choose another practice.


Do your research before meeting with a hearing specialist. What are their online reviews like? Are past patients happy? Or have there been issues? Enough stress can come with going in for a hearing appointment and receiving treatment. Try to lower some of that stress by knowing what other people are saying about your audiologist. Our practice, Hearing Doctors of New Jersey, is currently top-rated. Check for yourself!

Are You Comfortable?

Don’t underestimate how important comfort is. You should be comfortable with your hearing specialist, the staff, and the office environment. If you aren’t comfortable, you’re unlikely to ask questions or talk about your concerns. At Hearing Doctors of New Jersey, we want all our patients to be comfortable and to feel special.

Schedule A Consultation

Are you struggling with hearing loss? No matter how mild or severe, now is the perfect time to see an audiologist and receive a comprehensive hearing treatment plan. Take the first step and schedule a consultation with us at Hearing Doctors of New Jersey today! Call our Livingston, NJ office at 973-577-4100 or use our online scheduling tool. We can’t wait to help!

Hearing Challenges

Speech in Noise

Have you experienced these problems?

  • I can hear.  I can’t understand in background noise.
  • So many people mumble!
  • People just do not bother to speak clearly anymore!
  • My wife speaks to me from the other side of the house and then wonders why I cannot understand!
  • When I was a child, we had to speak clearly and we were taught to pronounce every word. These days everyone mumbles.
  • I hardly go to cocktail parties or gatherings in restaurants because I can’t tell what people are saying.
  • I had a hearing test and the doctor told me everything is fine for my age.

Traditional Hearing Tests

Standard/traditional hearing tests often involve something along the lines of “press the button when you hear the beep.” Although those standard methods are good at finding problems which need medical attention, far fewer than ten percent of all hearing problems need or require medical attention. There are almost 40 million Americans with hearing loss (usually mild-to-moderate, usually both ears, often with tinnitus/ringing in the ears), There are an additional 26 million Americans with no hearing loss at all, yet they complain about hearing difficulty and most often cannot understand in background noise.

Wait. What? This does not seem to make sense.

Hearing versus Listening

The confusion is that most people (and most professionals) believe that hearing and listening are synonyms, or that they are more-or-less the same. They are not. Hearing is simply detecting sound. Listening is the ability to make sense of sound.

Here is an example;

Suppose you were at a café in Berlin and everyone was speaking German. You could probably hear them just fine, but unless you happen to speak German, you would not understand what they were saying.

That is the difference between hearing and listening.

After 40 years as an audiologist, I can assure you most people don’t want sound louder, they want it clearer, and clarity is most often founded in the Signal-to-Noise Ratio, which we will address below.

In humans, hearing is very important. However, hearing is only step one in the complete listening process. Listening is the true goal. Listening requires hearing, but listening goes further and deeper. Listening requires cognition, vocabulary, memory, meaning, attention, intention, auditory and other information processing, emotional and psychological well-being and interaction, an appropriate signal-to-noise ratio and more. Listening can be thought of as a “whole brain” event. Listening starts with hearing, but listening is much more than hearing.

Listening problems without hearing problems are common. These problems might be called functional hearing problems, auditory processing problems, sub-clinical hearing loss or suprathreshold listening disorders (and more!).

Signal to Noise Ratio

The Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is the primary determinant of how well someone can understand speech-in-noise (SIN). The SNR is measured in loudness units called decibels (dB) and is a super simple concept. The SNR is a measure of how much louder the primary speech signal needs to be (in dB) for a person to be able to listen clearly in a noisy background.

For example, most people without hearing loss can listen well when the SNR is 1, 2 or 3 dB. That is, when the primary speech signal is louder than the noise by 1, 2 or 3 dB, they can make sense of the primary speech signal. However, for people with mild-to-moderate hearing loss, they might need about 7, 8 or 9 dB of SNR to listen well. In some respects, the ability to listen to SIN is more dependent on the SNR than on the overall loudness.

Individuals can visit their local hearing care professional to obtain a SIN test, which determines their personal SNR requirement which impacts which amplification system (i.e., hearing aids, assistive listening devices, loop systems, FM systems, digital remote microphones and more) would suit you best regarding your ability to understand SIN. Unfortunately, SNR is generally overlooked and is most often NOT a part of a typical hearing test.

Managing the SNR

The good news is that there are many potential solutions to the SIN problem.

One solution is to understand the SNR problem and apply environmental “fixes” to make it easier to listen. For example, one might reduce the distance between the person speaking and the person listening.

Another environmental solution is to improve the lighting. That may sound weird, but most people “speech read” all the time (we used to call this lip reading). Speech reading helps a lot! The thing to know about speech reading is that it allows the listening person to increase the total communication signal through additional visual cues (also called ‘redundant’ cues) which can reduce the listening effort substantially while increasing listening success. It is interesting to note that audition and vision are integrated in a part of the brain called the thalamus. In a very real way, the speech signal compliments the visual signal and vice versa. The more information the brain has, the easier it is for the brain to make sense of the entire scene, and this makes it easier to listen and understand.

Beyond environmental fixes, there are technology-based fixes.

The most popular and practical solution is to wear professionally selected and professionally programmed hearing aids. Of course, as we all know, hearing aids can make it easier to ‘hear’ (make things louder) but perhaps more importantly, professionally fitted prescription hearing aids can improve the SNR from a little, to a lot. One can easily observe the improvement in SNR by obtaining an “unaided” SNR and then an “aided” SNR. The difference between unaided and aided is the improvement attributed to the technology selected.

In addition to prescription hearing aids, there are many hearing aid options which are extremely useful. For example;

Loop Systems and Tele-Coils improve the SNR and are often used to better understand phone calls, but also extremely useful in train stations, houses of worships and well-designed lecture halls and more.

Bluetooth connectivity for podcasts, phone calls, streaming music and just about anything you might choose to listen to.

FM systems and Digital Remote Microphone systems can be thought of as little wireless, radio stations. These systems typically require that the person speaking must use a specific wireless microphone, which transmits the radio signal directly to the prescription hearing aids, which increases the SNR dramatically.

Custom earmolds. Most people use ear canal inserts called “domes.’ Domes are not particularly good at reducing background noise and as a matter of fact, domes allow noise to pass right through the dome and into the ear. Custom earmolds (with tiny vents) are much better as they are custom-made to fit your ear canal, and they help reduce noise and they allow the hearing aid to process more of the sounds around you!

Over The Counter (OTC) hearing aids. OTC hearing aids may work for some people. The problems are that high quality OTC hearing aids often cost just as much as entry-level and mid-level prescription hearing aids, but there is no one available to guide you, or measure your hearing, or your speech in noise ability, or your unaided versus aided speech in noise scores. When people wear OTC, they very likely will hear louder, but the goal is to hear more clearly, to listen better, and we just do not know how the OTC products will perform with regard to SNR and SIN.

Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) come in a vast array of technologies and costs and effectiveness. Basic ALDs include headsets with amplifiers and microphones. These can be very effective and are usually inexpensive. The “go to” ALD for many hearing care professionals is the Williams Sound Pocket-Talker. It is a good idea to Google this to see how it looks and works. It has been on the market for decades and is a fine solution for many people.

Bottom Line:

The bottom line is that for tens of millions of Americans, the ability to understand speech in noise may be a hearing problem, it may be a listening problem, and it may be both, or neither.

The best approach is to contact a licensed hearing care professional (HCP) to schedule a comprehensive audiometric evaluation (a complete assessment, not a hearing test, not a hearing screening.)

After 40 years as an audiologist, I personally need to know all the test results (hearing and listening) sought in the Best Practice recommendations of the American Academy of Audiology (AAA), The American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) and/or the International Hearing Society (IHS)..

There are no acceptable short-cuts.

There is no “one size fits all” in hearing healthcare. To get the best answer for each individual, HCPs work in accordance with Best Practices by AAA, ASHA and/or IHS (all of which includes SIN assessments and listening and communication assessments). HCPs who practice in accordance with Best Practices Guidelines from the AAA, ASHA or IHS already assess SIN, and those results are included in their assessments and recommendations.

– Written by Douglas L. Beck, Au.D., Doctor of Audiology, Excellence in Audiology Contributor.

Hearing Aids

Hearing vs. Listening: What’s the Difference?

You might be wondering what the difference is between hearing and listening. Is there a difference? There is a big difference between hearing and listening, including how they are performed, the information they give us, and how they are measured. But what exactly are those differences? Let’s first take a look at what hearing and listening are and then how they are different.

What is Hearing?

Hearing is the physiological processing of sounds and involves perceiving or simply detecting sound. It doesn’t necessarily mean you understand what you’re hearing, but the simple act of your ears picking up the sound is hearing. To measure hearing, an audiogram is used. It tests loudness versus pitch.

Hearing is not something that can be learned. It’s a passive, involuntary process and requires no effort. Even if you can’t detect what someone is saying, the basic act of hearing their voice is what hearing is. When you hear background music in a movie, you may not hear every note or even notice that you’re picking up the sound, but you still hear it.

What is Listening?

Listening, on the other hand, involves receiving and comprehension, and can be categorized into passive or active listening. Instead of simply hearing sounds, listening requires perceiving what is being said, paying attention to it, and giving consideration to what is being said or the sound that’s being made so you can respond to it.

Because listening is more complicated, it can be harder to assess and measure. Your ability to listen depends on your ability to hear, think, and remember. It also depends on your psychological well-being, the amount of background noise, your cognitive ability, and your vocabulary skills.

Listening requires more than just your ears. It requires your ears and your brain and, unlike hearing, is a skill you can learn. You can learn to listen more effectively through training and by using specific hearing equipment like hearing aids.

Learning to listen effectively is often the essence of aural rehabilitation programs for children and adults with auditory processing disorders.

What is the Difference Between Hearing and Listening?

The main difference between hearing and listening is how they are performed. Hearing is completely involuntary and requires doing absolutely nothing, while listening, even passive listening, requires a voluntary action of using your brain to understand what is being said or what the noise is.

Listening requires effort to focus and engage with what’s being said or what’s going on around you. But, because it’s involuntary, hearing requires no effort whatsoever. Your body does it for you.

At Hearing Doctors of New Jersey, when you come in with hearing loss, we want to make sure we are treating more than just your hearing. With our comprehensive exams, we look at all the factors that could be leading to your hearing loss and how it’s affecting your brain and cognitive function. From there, we can find the right advanced hearing technology that will have you hearing everything crystal clear and enable you to actively listen to those around you.

Schedule a Consultation

Are you struggling with listening and comprehending your loved ones? Or perhaps you have trouble hearing the television unless you turn it up to max volume? Whatever your hearing concern is, our audiologists at Hearing Doctors of New Jersey are here to help you. Take the first step and schedule a consultation today! Call our Livingston, NJ office at 973-577-4100 or use our online contact form.

Hearing Loss

Does Hearing Loss Impact Cognition?

Did you know there is a connection between hearing loss and how well your brain works? It’s true. Multiple studies have been done showing a relationship between hearing loss and cognitive ability.

Hearing loss can be frustrating as it is, but imagine that on top of losing some of your brain function or even developing dementia. It can be a struggle for so many people, but there is help available at Hearing Doctors of New Jersey.

The Relationship Between Hearing Loss and Cognition

To date, there have been over 100 studies that have shown a correlation between hearing loss and cognitive impairment. In one John Hopkins study, it was shown that mild hearing loss actually doubled the risk for dementia, and moderate hearing loss tripled the risk. Another study found that amplification (like your find with hearing aids) could reduce the risk of cognitive impairment.

What is the reason behind this relationship? Those struggling with hearing loss put more demands on their brains and their cognitive abilities to understand the world around them. This increase in demand on the brain can eventually lead to issues with cognitive ability and can increase the risk for dementia.

Additionally, the function of the hearing center in the brain begins to atrophy or shrink as it’s not as stimulated as much as it once was.

On top of that, when you have hearing loss, you tend to avoid social situations. This can lead to social isolation and loneliness, which can also negatively affect your cognitive abilities.

More specifically, a 2013 study reported that hearing loss can result in both a cognitive and psycho-social decline due to increased demand on the brain, which can result in mental fatigue. It can also lead to less focus, worse attention span, and poor memory. Hearing loss can negatively affect your whole cognitive system.

Another study in 2020 found that of the twelve modifiable risk factors for dementia they discovered, untreated hearing loss was the most significant. A more recent 2023 study found that because of this connection between untreated hearing loss and cognition impairment, there was an urgent need to address hearing loss in order to more effectively address cognitive decline.

Can Hearing Aids Help?

At Hearing Doctors of New Jersey, we understand the connection between hearing loss and cognition, and it’s one of the many reasons why we work to ensure everyone has the right hearing aids for their cognitive needs.

Hearing loss is the top modifiable risk factor for cognitive decline, and because of that, it could not be more important to receive a customized treatment program that focuses on the relationship between your cognition and your ability to hear. By decreasing your struggle to hear, you also decrease the risk of dementia and other cognitive issues.

At Hearing Doctors of New Jersey, we offer our proprietary H.E.A.R MethodTM Treatment Program to ensure you no longer struggle with your hearing and, in turn, lower your risk of cognitive decline. We’ll customize a treatment program for your symptoms and ensure you never say “what” again – guaranteed.  

Schedule A Consultation

Are you ready to finally address your hearing loss? Whether you’re young and think you can’t possibly be struggling with hearing loss or you’re older and think it’s a natural part of aging, schedule a consultation with Hearing Doctors of New Jersey today. Hearing loss can affect anyone, and with a comprehensive hearing exam, we can ensure you’re able to hear everything around you.

Call our Livingston, NJ office today at 973-577-4100 or use our online contact form.

Hearing Challenges

Neuromodulation for Tinnitus

Affecting around 15% of the population, tinnitus is no joke. With a variety of different causes, tinnitus is categorized most often as a ringing sound with no external source. Though ringing is most common, the sound can vary from person to person, along with the frequency at which the noise occurs. What does not vary, however, is the mental and physical toll tinnitus takes on an individual. Unable to sleep, focus, or even just think, many patients suffering from tinnitus suffer a steady decline in the quality of life they experience. Thankfully, with constant technological advancements, that are a multitude of ways to treat and minimize tinnitus. However, a new advancement called neuromodulation is making waves in the treatment of tinnitus stands out in particular.

What is Neuromodulation?

While still in early infancy, results of research conducted thus far yield positive results that could make neuromodulation a popular treatment. Using a combination of sound and stimuli, neuromodulation treatments come in many forms, each one using its own combination of sound and stimuli to increase neuroplasticity (new neuron connections). The actual treatments vary. Milder cases may only need to listen to sounds, some receive magnetic brain stimuli, and others are given nerve stimulation as treatment. In some cases, a combination of stimuli has been used, which is called bimodal neuromodulation.

In a run of clinical trials (TENT-A1, TENT-A2, and TENT-A3), researchers used various methods of neuromodulation treatment on three different groups. One of these groups received bimodal neuromodulation as their 12-week treatment plan. As a result of the study, over 70% of participants noted an improvement in their tinnitus.

Which Forms of Tinnitus Does Neuromodulation Treat?

Neuromodulation is a very new treatment for tinnitus, having just acquired FDA approval in March of 2023. That being said, research is still being conducted on its effectiveness. Tinnitus can begin in a host of different ways whether there is an ear blockage, hearing loss, or atypical blood flow, and the different causes can make a patient’s tinnitus either subjective or objective.

Subjective tinnitus is the more common of the two and is only able to be heard by the patient. On the other hand, objective tinnitus can be heard by doctors with a special tool. In the comprehensive TENT-A studies, only subjective tinnitus patients were included in the research. As a result, it is unknown whether people with objective tinnitus could benefit from bimodal neuromodulation or neuromodulation of another kind.

Is Neuromodulation Invasive?

Just like there are multiple forms of stimuli used in neuromodulation, there are different treatments that require differing levels of invasiveness. Invasive methods are not currently FDA-approved but involve surgically implanting a device to send electrical signals to your brain. The hope is that it trains your brain to ignore tinnitus, and clinical trials are currently underway to test its treatment capability. Most research surrounding neuromodulation is about the noninvasive methods, though the Lenire device used in the TENT-A studies is the only method currently FDA-approved.

Other Treatments in the Meantime

While we wait for further trials and FDA approval, hearing aids and maskers have helped patients with tinnitus in the past and may help you too. Additionally keeping your ears clean and free of obstruction can alleviate some of the symptoms.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are suffering from tinnitus, we recommend scheduling a consultation with one of our providers to speak about your options today and take the next steps toward relief. Contact Hearing Doctors of New Jersey in Livingston, NJ today.

Hearing Aids

Can Tinnitus Be Cured?

Tinnitus is a condition well-known for its primary symptom: hearing a phantom noise. It can have a variety of causes, and while there isn’t exactly a cure, there are several treatment options. At Hearing Doctors of New Jersey, we provide our patients with a proprietary tinnitus hearing assessment to ensure they receive the treatment plan that works best for them.

What Is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is an auditory disorder where you perceive a sound outside your ears where one does not exist. It’s commonly associated with ringing in the ears but can be described as a roaring sound, whistling, or humming. Migraines can also be an issue with tinnitus as well.

Tinnitus can be experienced after exposure to loud environments or sudden very loud noises, but it can also be a symptom of another condition.

There are also two types of tinnitus: subjective and objective tinnitus. Objective tinnitus is caused by something other people can hear, while subjective tinnitus is when noise is generated in the inner ear and is something other people can’t hear.

Subjective tinnitus is likely what you think of when you think of the disorder. It can be caused by hearing loss, aging, or conditions like Meniere’s disease.

Is There A Cure For Tinnitus?

Whether tinnitus can be cured or not really depends on the case. If the tinnitus is caused by an underlying condition and you address the underlying condition, it can be cured. But tinnitus on its own does not currently have a known cure. Luckily, there are some treatment options you can turn to in order to manage your symptoms and make them less severe.

Tinnitus Hearing Assessment

At Hearing Doctors of New Jersey, to diagnose tinnitus, we use our comprehensive H.E.A.R. Method™ Treatment Program tinnitus assessment.

During your tinnitus hearing assessment, our Doctors of Audiology will start off by discussing your symptoms and any factors that might contribute to them. You’ll want to let them know when you experience your symptoms, how long you’ve had them, if they’ve ever changed in any way, and when you hear the sound the loudest.

Your Doctor of Audiology will also enquire about your medical history, family history, and your lifestyle to rule out any underlying factors. They will also examine your ears to look for blockages and physical abnormalities.

Finally, they will perform a number of hearing tests to match the pitch and loudness of your tinnitus. This can help them figure out the exact cause and help them customize a treatment plan for you.

Treating Tinnitus

Treating tinnitus can be done in a variety of ways. Hearing aid technology and hearing therapies are often used, but the type of treatment that works for you can vary greatly depending on your symptoms.

At Hearing Doctors of New Jersey, we provide several hearing therapy options to help you address your tinnitus symptoms. The therapies we offer include:

Static Noise Therapy

This is a common and fairly simple solution to tinnitus. It works by basically drowning out the tinnitus with a hearing aid tuned with a static noise generator that distracts you from the ringing sensation you hear. Your Doctor of Audiology will help you find the right frequency level that allows you to keep your focus off your tinnitus.

Notch Therapy

For people with tonal tinnitus, notch therapy can be very helpful. It teaches the brain to ignore the sound by using weeks or months of audio training. How does this work? We use hearing aid technology to match the pitch of the ringing noise and direct your brain’s focus away from that noise. Over time, your brain will ignore the sound without the need for the white noise.

Ocean Wave Therapy

Rather than use static noise, this therapy uses pulsing, calming noises to distract you from the ringing of your tinnitus. And instead of a constant stimulant, the sound is repeated in rolling swells that often sound like waves on the beach (hence the name). This helps people associate their tinnitus symptoms with relaxation and serenity instead of worry or anxiety.

Schedule A Consultation

If you’re experiencing symptoms of tinnitus or worried about your hearing in any way, now is the perfect time to schedule a consultation at Hearing Doctors of New Jersey. Our Doctors of Audiology will answer any questions you have, examine your ears, perform an assessment, and build a treatment plan suited to your needs.

Hearing Aids

Where Do You Get a Reliable Hearing Test?

If you are concerned with the quality of your hearing, it is important to find a qualified doctor who can offer a reliable diagnosis and effective, safe treatment. Here are some ways to find a reliable hearing test in your area.

What is a Hearing Test?

Hearing tests can be performed on adults or children with suspected hearing loss. Comprehensive hearing assessments can measure how well your ears are working and determine the cause of your hearing loss. Scheduling a hearing test at the earliest signs of hearing loss is important since symptoms can rapidly progress and worsen if left untreated.

Where Can You Get Reliable Hearing Tests?

There are many ways that you can find a reliable doctor for your hearing test. Different types of providers who can offer hearing tests include:

Doctor of Audiology

A doctor of audiology is an audiologist with a doctoral degree and specialized training in hearing and balance disorders. Audiologists and doctors of audiology can perform comprehensive hearing tests using pure-tone testing, speech testing, and ear pressure testing.

ENT Doctor

ENT stands for ear, nose, and throat. An ENT (sometimes called an otolaryngologist) specializes in all types of disorders and diseases concerning facial structures. Like an audiologist, an ENT doctor can perform a comprehensive hearing test and check the overall health of your ears. They will look for signs of an ear infection, earwax buildup, and other conditions that may be contributing to your hearing loss.

Hearing Clinic

Many cities have hearing clinics run that offer low-cost hearing tests and hearing aid fittings. Hearing clinics are often run by hearing aid dispensers who can perform basic hearing tests.

Ask Your Primary Care Doctor

Your primary care doctor might be able to perform a basic hearing test to check for signs of an ear infection or blocked ear canal. If they cannot determine the cause of your hearing loss, they will have reliable recommendations for doctors specializing in hearing loss (ENTs and doctors of audiology).

Schedule a Hearing Assessment

If you need a hearing test, schedule an appointment today with one of our Doctors of Audiology.  At Hearing Doctors of New Jersey, we are committed to patient care and offer comprehensive examinations based on the H.E.A.R MethodTM Treatment Program. We look forward to helping you achieve better hearing without a treatment plan tailored to your needs.