
How a Medical Advocate Can Help: My Interview with Dr. Laura Abrams

At Hearing Doctors of New Jersey, we know your hearing health and overall well-being are connected. Recently, I met with Dr. Laura Abrams, the founder of Seneca Medical Advocacy (SMA), and wanted to share with you what I learned. Dr. Laura Abrams is a board-certified internist who will help you or a loved one navigate complex medical situations to get the best care and treatment possible. Here’s what to know about SMA and how they can help you or a loved one struggling with a complicated diagnosis.

What is Seneca Medical Advocacy (SMA)?

Whether you or a loved one need short-term assistance with a confusing diagnosis or treatment path or desire longer-term support during a chronic illness, SMA can provide the guidance you and your family require to maneuver through the medical system. In short, SMA partners with you to:

  • Evaluate your medical history in the case of an unclear diagnosis
  • Research treatment options 
  • Help you make informed decisions about care
  • Find the best medical specialists
  • Facilitate communication between medical providers

SMA can help provide understanding, education, and advice about the overwhelming process of treating your life-altering medical diagnosis. In addition, SMA can investigate best practices and the latest medical research to help guide your medical journey.

Why would I need SMA’s expertise?

Do you have symptoms and testing hasn’t yet revealed a diagnosis?

SMA approaches each person in a holistic way, looking at the whole picture rather than an isolated symptom. By taking a thorough history and reviewing the latest medical research, they can determine what might be causing your symptoms and which testing modalities or specialists might be beneficial in finding the underlying cause.

Have you received conflicting opinions about treatment of your medical condition?

SMA will research the various treatment options and help you make an informed decision based on your needs and goals for care.

Do you see a lot of doctors and feel like they aren’t all on the same page about your care?

If there are many healthcare professionals involved in your care and coordination is needed, SMA will discuss your case with your providers – including your wishes regarding workup or treatment and the next steps in care, foster communication among your providers, and help bridge any gaps in care. 

How can Seneca Medical Advocacy help?

Maneuvering through the healthcare system can be frustrating during times when you’re relatively healthy. When you’re sick, however, you may feel vulnerable and the idea of navigating the medical world seems overwhelming. Dr. Abrams and the team at SMA understand that these challenging periods are when it’s most critical to have a dedicated medical professional who has the time to listen to your concerns, thoroughly answer questions, and provide guidance about the best course of action to take regarding your care. They can help you navigate the complexities of the medical system to get you the care, treatment, and results you need. 

Learn More

Whether you or a loved one need short-term assistance with a confusing diagnosis or treatment path, or desire longer-term support during a chronic illness, Seneca Medical Advocacy can provide the guidance you and your family require to maneuver through the medical system. They’re based in the New Jersey & New York Metro area and can also provide services remotely throughout the US. Want to learn more about how SMA can help you? Dr. Laura Abrams is offering a 30-minute complimentary phone consultation to help you take control of your health. For more detailed information, you can contact SMA at (973) 309-3995 or For more information, you can also visit their website.

Hearing Loss

Why Pediatric Hearing Tests Are Vital

Most people when they think of hearing loss, associate it with their older relatives who need hearing aids as their hearing degrades gradually through the years. However, there are many other types of hearing loss besides age-related hearing loss, some of which can silently or suddenly affect children.

Regular hearing tests, especially early in life, are essential to understanding your child’s hearing health and taking the right steps to support it if necessary.

What are Pediatric Hearing Assessments?

Hearing assessments at any age consist of an array of tests such as audiograms, physical examination of the ears, and other hearing tests that reveal your child’s hearing ability. We tailor pediatric hearing tests to make it more comfortable and easier for a child to communicate their experience no matter how old they are.

All our hearing assessments are performed using our H.E.A.R. Method™ to fully understand how the brain is hearing sound. Our proprietary treatment process is focused on the most accurate diagnosis of your or your loved ones’ hearing ability to ensure you get the right solution that fits your family and daily lifestyle. When it comes to children’s hearing health, nothing is more important than an early, accurate diagnosis, which is why we take such special care at the Hearing Doctors of New Jersey.

Signs of Pediatric Hearing Loss

Young children often don’t have the language or awareness of hearing loss to describe their internal environment. Symptoms of hearing loss look different at different ages. For example, signs of hearing loss shortly after birth include:

  • Not reacting to a parent’s voice
  • Not being startled by loud noises
  • Not turning to face toward sounds
  • Not trying to make their own sounds by a year old

As children grow, their hearing can change even if it starts out normally. For older kids, hearing loss symptoms can include:

  • Trouble understanding conversations in loud environments
  • Not responding when called by their name
  • Complaints of ringing or other tinnitus symptoms
  • Listening to music or other media at a louder-than-normal volume

Treating Hearing Loss in Children

Hearing loss can be conductive or sensorineural (or both). Conductive hearing loss is due to sound not reaching the organs of the inner ear due to a physical issue like an ear infection, fluid buildup, or blockage in the outer ear. This is usually easily treatable with antibiotics or removal of ear wax, for example.

Sensorineural hearing loss is another type of hearing loss. Depending on the diagnosis we come up with during a child’s hearing test, there are multiple forms of treatment available. Most commonly, the treatment for mild to moderate hearing loss is a well-fitted, child-friendly hearing aid. With our proprietary H.E.A.R. Method™, through testing we find the customized hearing solution for your child. Once your child is hearing well, we make sure to schedule regular appointments to monitor their hearing and ensure your child continues to hear to their fullest potential.

Comprehensive Hearing Care For Children in New Jersey

Regular hearing tests throughout your child’s early life are essential for their hearing and overall health and well-being because hearing well means living and growing well. In many situations, kids aren’t able to express their own hearing ability until far after it’s begun affecting their development, which is why we use proactive methods to fully see an accurate picture of their hearing ability. Start your child’s comfortable and comprehensive hearing health evaluation by calling our offices or contacting us online today.

To learn more about hearing loss and hearing aids, download our FREE Insider’s Guide on how to finally hear better.