Your browser does not support Audio API (HTML5)
A HTML5 Audio API compatible browser is required to run the hearing test.Please upgrade/install the most recent version
of any of the following browsers:
FireFox, Safari, Chrome, Edge (Internet Explorer), Opera

Please select below if you are using headphones, in-ear headphones or your device speakers
(Use headphones in a quiet area for best accuracy)
(Use headphones in a quiet area for best accuracy)
Step 1:
Click Play Sample Tone
Step 2:
Adjust your volume so that you can barely hear the tone
Step 3:
Click Begin Test when you are ready to start
Adjust the slider below until you can barely hear the tone, then click next to proceed
| | | | | | | | | | | 0 50 90 |
Tone 0 of 16
(If you do not hear the tone, click Next anyway)
Loading Results …

Hearing Health Is More Important Than You May Think
We’re proud to offer an online hearing screening to help you better understand your potential hearing loss or other hearing problems and take the first step toward treatment.